Is your tinnitus noticeable to your doctor?

If the tinnitus is coming from somewhere other than the ear canal, the examiner can hear it.

issues with the temporomandibular joint, which connects the lower jawbone to the skull.
Atherosclerosis: As you become older, the major blood arteries close to your middle and inner ear lose some of their suppleness, which makes blood flow stronger and easier for your ears to hear.
Vascular neoplasms in the neck and middle ear can result in tinnitus, which is a head and neck tumour (glomus jugular).
Capillary abnormality: Arteriovenous malformation, an abnormal link between the arteries and veins, can result in tinnitus and erratic blood flow in the neck. Pulsatile tinnitus may result from carotid artery or jugular vein narrowing.