Possible Causes of Ear Infection:
Ear Infections: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Ear infections, characterized by bacterial or viral interference in the middle ear just behind the eardrum, lead to fluid buildup, swelling, and redness. Frequently triggered by the common cold or allergies, these infections are more prevalent in children than adults.
Possible Causes of Ear Infection:
Middle ear infections are typically caused by bacteria or viruses, with contributing factors including:
Inflammation of nasal passages, throat, and Eustachian tubes due to cold, flu, or allergies.
Fluid accumulation in the middle ear caused by congestion blocking the Eustachian tubes.
Adenoid swelling, potentially blocking the tubes.
Risk Factors of Ear Infection:
Individuals at a higher risk of ear infections include:
Children aged 6 months to 2 years due to developing immune systems.
Daycare attendees exposed to frequent infections.
Children with uneven bone structures or cleft palates.
Bottle-fed babies.
Individuals with seasonal allergies.
Those exposed to air pollution.
Signs & Symptoms of Ear Infection:
Symptoms differ between children and adults:
*Children may exhibit ear pain, trouble sleeping, crying, difficulty hearing, loss of balance, fever, headache, loss of appetite, and fluid drainage from the ear.
*Adults may experience ear pain, hearing loss, and fluid drainage from the infected ear.
Ear Infection Diagnosis:
For accurate diagnosis, visit Ear Care Medical Center’s ENT clinic. The diagnostic process involves evaluating symptoms and conducting a physical examination of the ears, throat, and nasal passages. Tools like a pneumatic otoscope aid in identifying the infection type—whether it’s outer, middle, or inner ear.
Additional tests, such as tympanometry, acoustic reflectometry, or tympanocentesis, may be employed for middle ear infection confirmation. Children might undergo assessments by an audiologist, speech therapist, or language comprehension and developmental abilities tests.
Ear Infection Treatment:
At Ear Care Medical Center, our ENT specialists determine appropriate treatments based on the ear infection type:
Acute otitis media: Treatment involves pain medication and antibiotics.
Otitis media with effusion: Addresses fluid presence without infection symptoms.
Chronic suppurative otitis media: Involves a long-term infection resulting in eardrum perforation. Treatment may include pain relief and antibiotics, with surgical intervention recommended in chronic cases.
For chronic cases, our surgeons perform a minor procedure called myringotomy. This involves creating a small hole in the eardrum to drain fluids, with a tympanostomy tube placed to maintain middle ear openness and prevent further fluid accumulation.
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