Tinnitus, also known as ringing in the ears, is a condition characterized by the internal production of sound in one or both ears, affecting approximately 15-20% of individuals. This auditory phenomenon can be attributed to various factors, including underlying conditions like ear disease, infection, age-related hearing loss, or injuries to the internal ear. Many of our patients seeking tinnitus treatment in Dubai experience relief from symptoms, as they gradually become less prominent.
Tinnitus Symptoms
- Buzzing
- Hissing
- Humming
- Clicking
- Roaring
A concise examination of the tinnitus process:
Sound is detected by the eardrum and cochlea, then transmitted to the brain through auditory signals, facilitating hearing. In tinnitus, the cochlea captures muffled (dulled) sounds, leading to the perception of ringing sensations. Damage to the cochlea or an obstruction in the ear canal, causing the cochlea to receive overlapping auditory signals, may result in tinnitus or hearing loss.
Causes of tinnitus
Hearing loss – The damage to the cochlea can trigger hearing loss and tinnitus. Tinnitus can be parallelly caused by hearing loss.
Ear infection or ear canal blockage – Ear canals may block due to fluid build-up, infection, earwax, or dirt. A blockage can dim the sound perceived by the inner ear, thus resulting in tinnitus.
Head or neck injuries – Head or neck trauma can cause cerebrospinal fluid leakage (brain or spinal fluid) that might cause tinnitus. Infact, in several cases, tinnitus is a symptom indicating fluid leakage from the brain or spinal cord.
Meniere’s disease- Tinnitus is an early indicator of Meniere’s disease, an inner ear disorder caused by abnormal inner ear fluid pressuring internal ear parts.
Ear bone changes – When the middle ear bones stiffen, it may affect your hearing ability and cause tinnitus. This abnormal condition of bone stiffening is usually hereditary.
Muscle spasms in the inner ear – Some neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, cause muscle spasms, resulting in tinnitus.
Medications – Medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antibiotics, cancer drugs, antimalarial drugs, and antidepressants may disturb your hearing ability.
Eustachian tube dysfunction – In this condition, the tube connecting the middle ear to the upper throat is blocked, making your ear feel full, and causing ear pain, dim hearing, or tinnitus.
Blood vessel disorders- Some conditions, such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, or malformed blood vessels, can accelerate blood circulation in veins and arteries. These blood circulation changes can cause tinnitus or make its symptoms worse.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders – TMJ is the joint where your lower jawbone meets the skull. TMJ disorders can cause tinnitus.
Head and neck tumors – Head, neck, or brain tumor development can cause hearing changes and also cause tinnitus.
Other chronic conditions – include migraines, diabetes, thyroid problems, anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus, which may also cause tinnitus.
A doctor diagnoses tinnitus by symptoms and some tests. The tests are:
Auditory test
Imaging test
Lab test
Movement test
The treatment module depends on the diagnosis. In some cases, treatment of causes—treats tinnitus. Our tinnitus treatment in Dubai includes:
- Earwax removal – In many cases, just ear wax removal resolves tinnitus issues or at least decreases its symptoms.
- Hearing aids – Dr. Mohamed Fawzy may prescribe a sound-amplifying hearing aid to improve your hearing.
- Changing your medication– In rare cases, medication can cause tinnitus. Dr. Mohamed Fawzy may change the medication to stop or reduce tinnitus symptoms.
- Treating a blood vessel condition – Underlying blood vessel conditions may require medication or surgery for dilation of blood vessels to treat the condition.
- Surgery – Dr. Mohamed Fawzy may do surgery to rehabilitate the inner ear parts responsible for hearing or remove a malignant tumor or ear canal constriction that causes tinnitus.
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