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How Hearing Aids Work

If you believe that hearing aids are simply a tool that will increase your hearing volume, you need to reconsider. Modern hearing aids are small, highly sophisticated communication tools that help people understand a variety of sounds. Additionally, the device reduces background noise and enhances voice understanding. Hearing aids can reduce cognitive load and facilitate easier listening if the wearer has hearing loss....

How is Kinesiotape used in physical therapy?

One of the methods a physical therapist may employ to assist patients in regaining their previous degree of mobility is kinesiotaping. The technique entails applying Kinesio tape in specified directions in order to perform a variety of tasks, including: Kinesio tape is used to treat injuries in conjunction with other therapies including manual therapy to reduce swelling and pain. It is thought to make a tiny opening between the skin's underlying structures and the skin itself. As a result, muscle function and activation are enhanced. Kinesio tape can support weak areas of the muscles and joints, providing additional support. It is recommended for people with patellofemoral stress syndrome, IT band friction syndrome, or Achilles tendonitis because it works well on tired muscles....
Dental ServicesUncategorized

Can Braces Cause My Teeth to Fall Out and Loose?

The answer is a resounding no! Braces will not make your teeth weak or fallout; however, you might feel pain and discomfort after a few days of having braces and your teeth will slightly loose for the first 2 or 3 days after braces are tightened....
Speech Therapy

Speech & Language Therapy Experts

est speech therapist in Dubai Speech –language therapists are the clinical experts in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management of speech, language and communication disorders in children and adults. ...
Hearing & Balance

Ear Wax Removal in Dubai Benefits

Ear wax removal by Microsuction is used to remove ear wax and it is safe and comfortable compared to any other ear wax removal method. A binocular microscope is used to remove ear wax and it provides a magnified view of the ear canal and eardrum. In addition to the microscope, a low-pressure suction pump is used to extract ear wax safely....
ENT ServicesHearing & Balance

How to control & prevent Tinnitus?

Tinnitus control through prevention the use of hearing protection exposure to loud noise all the time: employing chain saws You are a musician. industrial machine work using a weapon (pistols, shot gun) Be mindful of the level of noise:...
ENT ServicesHearing & Balance

Why Ear Care Medical Center is the best ENT Clinic for Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants in Jumeirah Dubai?

Hearing loss is a common problem that affects people of all ages. If left untreated, it can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, causing communication difficulties and social isolation. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available, including hearing aids and cochlear implants. If you're looking for the best ENT clinic for hearing aids and a cochlear implant in Jumeirah Dubai, Ear Care Medical Center should be your go-to destination....